viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016

[JDE Edwards] JDETables - Reference Web Tables

For JD Edwards functional analysts and development is very important to know the tables we work and characterists: columns, prefixes, indexes, primary key, etc. And also it's very important to know data types and column characterists (defined in Data Dictionary) and tables relationship.

And even for developers, it's very useful to know column position when we have doing some operation (fetch single, select, fetch next, update, etc.) - especially for tables that it have many columns-

I have being using to it for quite some time a very useful website called JDETables:

It allow us to find the tables in the differents JDE versiones (currently 8.12, 9.10 and 9.12) and it detailed all the features such as table columns (with the alias, description, data type, etc.), prefix, indexes, primary key, system code, table description, columns number and indexes, etc. And even it allow us to build SQL sentences (select, update and insert).

We can see all tables for code system, more queried tables, all tables used by a field, etc.

And it's free and not it doesn't need register.

An essential tool for our day to day!!!

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