jueves, 4 de enero de 2018

[JD Edwards BI Publisher] External Image

Hi friends, happy new year!!! This year I have proposed to write more posts, for work and projects last year I had't sufficient time to write much posts...

In this post I want to comment how publish a external image as URL in BI Publisher, as example, QR Code, a logo, etc. This problem is very common, and with standard Word image is not possible.

For it, we use XSL-FO with the next syntax:

<fo:external-graphic src="https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=200x200&cht=qr&chl=bidi_test"/>

Simply with block we'll add URL of extenal image in the source of extenal-graphic tag, and it will be responsible for rendering the image in our template. The source is in XML attribute, assigned in same variable, etc.

We can add other properties as "height", "width", etc. for custom the image.

Thus, we could generate dynamic images!!

I hope you find it useful!

Let's go!

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